Medicine LawOn the basis of a demographic development, technical progress and in particular, due to new medical insights in the health care´s area, medical law does not only regard the relationship between doctor and patient: it obviously encompasses the legal relationships between physicians and patients but that is not the only focus of Medicine Law; private legal relationships between the physicians among themselves, as well as the legal relationships with service providers/sponsors in the health care field (health insurances etc.) , are also regulated by medicine law. Profile of Medicine LawIn summary terms, medical law concern the right of medical treatment, medical malpractice law, labour rights of healing professionals, statutory health insurance law, hospital law, private health insurances, pharmaceutical law, medical products law, pharmacy law and nursing care insurance law; to “healing professions” belong classical physicians, dentists and psychotherapists as well as medical practitioners, physiotherapists and many more. Moreover, medicine law stands between the goal of providing the best medical care possible and the financial feasibility of the health care system. Additionally, financial matters have also reached ethical dimensions, which lead to complex treatment decisions. Private medical law, criminal medical law, public legal medical lawIn addition to the private and criminal medical law, significant legal relationships are incorporated in public law, such as physicians-regulations in the field of social insurance (in particular SGB V), the salary legislation of doctors, or pharmaceutical law. The following areas of law are parts of the medicine law jurisprudence: - Pharmacy Law,
- Pharmacist/Chemist rights, chemistries´ work regulations,
- Pharmaceutical law (medicinal products subject to authorization, opposed to individual responsibility of foodstuff, Medical Preparation Act vs. Law relating to food production and distribution),
- Medical Malpractice Law,
- Medical labour law,
- Civil Service Law (in medical colleges for instance),
- Labour Law of healing-professionals,
- Head physician contract law,
- Law regarding the protection of data (Federal Data Protection Act),
- Medicine advertisement Act,
- Hospital Law,
- Health Insurance regulations,
- Private health insurance regulations,
- Service providers rights,
- Medical Care Centres regulations,
- Medical Product Law,
- Medical Contractual Law,
- Nursing Law,
- Nursing insurance Law,
- Rescue Services,
- Associations rights,
- Salary legislations of healing professions.