Education LawThe legislation on education concerns all legal matters that directly or indirectly affect the school/education of an individual. The main issues of the legislation generally regard the education, schooling time, content of the school, the school assignment, the promotion and integration of students, rights and duties of students, teachers, parents, school authorities and school-owners. We advise and represent at all levels of education law, up to private institutions in all the following matters: authorizations, pre-financing and refinancing from private schools, course of education, location etc. Rights/ Obligations vs EducationStudents and teachers have many rights and duties. Some school decisions are based on pedagogical considerations without considering the strict limits of schooling. The German education system has a particular structure: from grades 1 through 4 children attend elementary school (Grundschule), where the subjects taught are the same in every school. After the 4th grade, they are separated according to their academic ability and attend one of three different kinds of schools: Hauptschule, Realschule or Gymnasium. Grundschule teachers generally recommend their students to a particular school based on such things as academic achievements and abilities. However, in most states, parents have the final word. The choice of the right schools can be really difficult if the recommendation of the teachers and the parent´s decision are quite different. Sometimes the law is not observed with the necessary care and this can lead to a legal dispute. Legal proceedings in education lawOften, the existing problem can be solved quickly and effectively by means of an inspection of the files and a clarification of the factual and legal situation, possibly by the involvement of the competent supervisory authorities / school authorities. In addition, the use of judicial assistance, including in urgent cases, is subjected to civil or administrative law. The administrative courts are responsible for all public schools matters. Educational Law throughout GermanyWe are national-wide active in Education Law. The entire processing of a matter can also be handled by telephone, post, fax or e-mail, so that no local lawyer is absolutely necessary. |