Law on Medical ProductsThe medical device legislation is subjected to particular legal conditions, which are also more closely regulated by the Product Liability Act, pharmaceutical law, Medicine Advertisement Act, general competition law and some European legal specifications. However, the difficulties of producing and distributing medical products are by no means comparable to those of drug/pharmaceutical products. Advertising and marketing of medical devicesPlacing on the market a medical product and its advertisement is better if legally supported. For this reason, we carry out the following legal services in medical products law: - General consultation on medical product law,
- Particular advice and representation on individual questions on MPL,
- Marketability examination of medical products and their qualification as medical devices,
- Distribution law for medical products (GTC law, labelling requirements, CE marketing, EU distribution and non-European distribution),
- Work regulations for medical devices producers,
- Contract manufacturing of medical products,
- Certification procedures, conformity procedures, consultation procedures etc.,
- MPL Act, Health Care System Act, Unfair Competition Act