How much does a trademark or a patent registration cost?a. Costs of a trademark: Office fees for the DPMA amount of 300 € for the hard copy and 290 € for the electronic form; those prices include 3 classes. Optional: legal fees depending on the offer; In order to avoid unnecessary risks, a trademark similarity search is always recommended before the application of your trademark registration. Cost of a CTM registration (EU/ Unionmark)) : the EUIPO office fees amount of 850 € for the 1st Class, 50 € will be charged for a 2nd Class, and 150 € from the 3rd Class respectively; Optional: legal fees depending on offer; In order to avoid unnecessary risks, a trademark similarity search is always recommended before the application of your trademark registration. For an international trademark a basic trademark is required and an offer can be accordingly made. b. Costs of a patent:Depending on the extent (lawyer, patent attorney; legal fees, research costs), for a registration of a German Patent you need to consider an indicative amount of 900 € - 1990 €. |